3D Object Framing
Box Framing
We have experience in framing a wide variety of three dimensional work and we have developed a variety of methods to ensure the objects stay put. Framing 3D objects is very much bespoke and specific to the work and requirements of the client and each one is different.
Not just shirts… Baby’s first shoes, Olympic and Paralympic medals; cricket, baseball and table tennis bats; boxing gloves; football boots, athletics spikes and ballet shoes; drumsticks, concert tickets, records and drum skins; fencing foils and archery arrows; cycling, gymnastics, martial arts, mountaineering, orienteering, and sailing accessories; tennis, badminton and squash rackets; equestrian rosettes, MBE awards; dance- and swimwear, ballet slippers; hockey, lacrosse and hurling sticks; fishing flies; skis; watersports paddles and oars; snooker and pool cues, and, even your lucky golf club and tee.

Mounting Your Items
When framing 3d objects, our experienced staff can guide you through the framing options available and help you decide on the right framing solution for your artwork. Most 3D work will require a box frame. We work closely with the client during the initial decision making process using our experience and expertise to guide the client where necessary. A good starting point is to consider the period and feel of the object and how it may fit with your interior/purpose.
Choosing The Right Frame
We do a wide selection of traditional frames for older objects, from walnut to oak, all the wood finishes. We also do a wide selection of washed and painted wood in the off-whites, creams and whites etc for objects such as sea shells
We have a great selection of contemporary frames to choose from, from super high gloss chunky frames to fine slim vibrant slips.
As with traditional framing jobs we go through all the possibilities for your project. Our aim is to get the ultimate result with your choices and our advice.
There are many mount combinations involved in picture framing. We can combine different combinations together to get stunning results.

Baby's First Shoes
The possibilities of what you can frame are endless so why keep treasured items hidden away in the loft?
No job is too large or small and we won’t let you down with the finishing touches.